I had a nice night yesterday. The band was good and they had amazing energy on the stage. Afterwards we came back east and met Hugo, Johnny, Stripes, Mikko, Toby, Per and BeeKay in a pub, and stayed until late. Don't know about the others but I had fun, at least until someone broke a window (maybe they refused to give him a treat in the bar and that was his trick?) and I just got tired.
Then the usual journey home: first to the Beigel shop, then to the bus stop, wait there and see how 2 or 3 busses drive past and don't take anyone in. Sit and wait for a bit longer in the hope of another bus until you're freezing, start walking, then there's finally a bus when you're in between 2 stops and almost at home, run after the bus and then feel stupid after taking the packed bus smelling of puke for such a short journey.
Emo, a Pakistani girl whose final collection we shot with Naroa, sent us (among some other people from the Uni) a message telling that her wedding's going to be next year in September in Pakistan and we're invited! I really want to go. Better start saving money for the flight tickets...